Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Time is Ticking!

Asphault is down, parking lines drawn and Help Wanted Signs (thank goodness Kroger finally took down the hand written posters on bright pink poster board - BRANDING people!) are hanging on poles in the parking lot area. 

The time is near - word on the street and in the Liquour Store (still open and well utilized!) notes it will open sometime in November.  Let's hope this happens before Thanksgiving.  I can't imagine preparing for our annual Turkey Fry on Thanksgiving without the Fort Mitchell Kroger!

Okay - topics of interest:  1.  Tailgating  2. Pool on when it will open

So, let's hear some guesses on an exact date.
Let's hear some suggestions on how to celebrate it's opening.  As usual, I take comments both on and off (which seems to be the popular forum) line. 

Time is ticking . . .let's speed up the clock!