Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Who Will be there at 7:00 a.m.?

Okay, the big day is upon us - Kroger Fort Mitchell opens at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, Thursday, November 18 - a date that has been circled on calendars throughout the 41017 zipcode!  Starbucks, groceries and gasoline at our fingertips - we aren't going to know what do do with ourselves!!!!  See you there and let's compare notes after our first trips!


  1. What time should I arrive in line to get a free gift card?

  2. So...I stopped by the new store today and everybody who mentioned the lack of parking were completely right! I drove around the lot a few times and ended up parking illegally at the end of a row because I was only going to pick up a few items. I live in Erlanger, so I usually shop at the Silverlake store and never have a hard time finding a place to park there.

    After I shopped I got gas, I do enjoy having a Kroger gas station closer than Latonia. While I was pumping gas a guy from Kroger came over to talk to me. I'm not sure if he was a manager or what his job is, but he talked to me about the store, thanked me for coming in, and gave me a Kroger keychain. I did mention the parking issue to him and he agreed with me that they need more parking.

  3. Yes, it was packed today. Good observation on the parking, but I think some of that has to do with the novelty of it opening and the extra vendors, staff and media on hand at the store. Hopefully things will calm down over the next couple of days!
