Monday, November 15, 2010

The Countdown is On . . . .

Our little town of Fort Mitchell, Kentucky is abuzz about the new Kroger opening - it's just days away.  Thank you to the many people who have emailed me, texted me or called me about receiving special invitations to special opening events prior the store opening on Thursday.  Obviously, my time as a blogger on the subject, my shopping at Krogers around the Tri-State and going out of my way to fill up my vehicle at Shell Gas Stations to use my Kroger card is not paying off for me.  I have received no such special invitation!
Regardless, I anticipate the new Starbucks to be overflowing on Thursday morning and the store to be busy as a beaver with people joyfully shopping at our very own Kroger again. 

There's been discussion about tail gating - I'm game!  Morning Mimosa's or Evening Bud Selects - I'm open to celebrating the idea that we will have convenient grocery shopping, expansive product offerings and good price points on our favorite kitchen needs!!!!  I cannot say that time has flown since April, but we have somehow survived, although I think many families will be re-introducing the kitchen back into their lives!!!  Here's to celebrating the Opening . . . .


  1. You know if Shell isn't working for you - there's always Ft. Mitchell HOP Shop Marathon. That's a very clean store, well stock, and great employees. The Manager does an awesome job. Maybe stop by and see what you think.

  2. I walked through on Tuesday. You won't regret shopping in Fort Thomas -- layout is the same.
